Monday, March 29, 2010

Pettiskirts ... anyone??

This is the pattern/tutorial I used to make the pettiskirts for my granddaughters.

I really liked this pattern, nayy. I like the fact that she tells you exactly what size to cut your ruffles and tiers for the specific size you want to make. I looked at a lot of tutorials on line and this pattern is the only one I found to give those specifics.

I wanted to post this info, as I have had many questions regarding my post on the pettiskirts. The pettiskirts pictured below are property of the designer of the pattern.
I just wanted to give you an idea of her design skills. The pettiskirts I made were blogged a couple of days ago.

Make sure you buy nylon chiffon, this is imperative, as it does not ravel. The other chiffon ravels like crazy! You don't want to have to finish off all those seams... now do you?

Where do you find nylon chiffon? Do a Google search and there are several websites that have the chiffon that you need. Most fabric stores do not stock nylon chiffon.

Happy sewing
See ya,


Pam Burrus said...

I found your blog as a link from a sewing forum and I just love to follow it!!! You remind me so much of my Granny... well, except she didn't blog ;) She used to make us everything - even swimsuits and those just seem hard!! Thanks for blogging!!! Oh and your granddaughters are beautiful!! Who did their pictures?? Very cool!

Sew Pretty Dresses said...

Did you make all of these?? Wow so pretty! Thanks for the tip on the Chiffon!

Peachy said...

The pettiskirts pictured in todays blog post belong to the designer of the pattern. My granddaughters in their pettiskirts was blogged a couple of days ago.
The designer does beautiful work, doesn't she?

Pam Burrus said...

I realized about the pictures after I posted, I was thinking they were just granddaughters I hadn't seen before haha... but your REAL greanddaughters are way cuter anyway ;) Isn't it about the age you have to lock them up?? haha, I have an 8 month old girl and we always joke that we will have to lock her up on her 12th birthday... especially since all my friends have little boys!!